What We're About
The Mission of Redeemer Is..
to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ to broken and hurting people in our mission field and around the world. This congregation also serves the temporal and spiritual needs of its members. Redeemer prioritizes:
- Preaching and teaching the Word of God
- Administrating of the Sacraments
- Reaching people in our local mission field and beyond
- Religious instruction of youth and adults according to the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod
- Fostering Christian community and charity
Worship - Outreach - Discipleship - Community - Service
What to expect at worship...
We know that attending a worship service with a church for the first time has many unknowns. So we would like to answer some common questions.
What should I wear?
The Bible doesn't have a specific dress code for worship, other than dressing modestly, and neither do we. You will see people in jeans and slacks, heels and tennis shoes, t-shirts and button ups, dresses and hoodies, etc. God welcomes us how we are and is more excited that you are worshiping Him rather than your attire.
What if my child is noisy?
We love having children joining us in worship and hearing their noises to the Lord during service. It is the joyous sound that parents are prioritizing their family's faith lives and teaching their children how to worship. If you do feel like stepping out you are welcome to watch the service in our parish hall or grabbing one of the children's bags from the back of the sanctuary for games.
What is the service like?
We offer traditional and contemporary worship services. Both contain the following components: confession of our sins, forgiveness, scripture readings, a sermon/message from one of our Pastors, offering, holy communion (1st & 3rd Sunday of the month), prayers, and a final blessings. Between these elements we will sing praises to our King. In the traditional services we will use an organ and piano, whereas the contemporary services will be sung by our praise band.
Can I take communion?
The Lutheran-Church Missouri Synod believes the Biblical teaching that in communion we receive the true body and blood of Jesus Christ with the bread and wine for the forgiveness of sins. If you are a baptized Christian who has been instructed in the Biblical teaching of communion, and if you agree with our confession of faith, please feel free to commune with us. If you have any questions, please make an appointment to talk with a pastor.
What about the offering?
God calls us to give our first fruits, not out of guilt or embarrassment, but out of joy for the many gifts God has given us. We pass the offering tray to give people the opportunity to worship God with their gifts. If you would feel more comfortable giving a gift online, you can always visit our give page and donate your offering there.
How do I get connected?
During the offering we will collect the connection cards - a half sheet located by the hymnals in front of you. This is a chance for you to share contact information, prayer requests, and express interest in helping with activities at church, as you desire. In addition, you can also reach out to us on our contact page.